Our goal is to deliver excellence in eye care by combining medical expertise and advanced technology
Our goal is to deliver excellence in eye care by combining medical expertise and advanced technology with a commitment to personal service.
NMH is one name that has stood for excellence in eye care for close to 11 years. Not only are they better able to provide the unequaled care you’ve come to expect from NMH , But have also got many of the special instruments and techniques that are commonplace in ophthalmology readily available for you at NMH from common eye problems to rare sight- threatening diseases
Clear vision plays a critical role in every aspect of your life. Fortunately today, there are vision correction options to bring life back into focus for nearly every vision problem. Whether your choice for clear vision is glasses, contact lenses or LASIK, The Eye Clinic can help improve your point of view with a variety of vision correction options.
At the Nawinna Medicare Eye Clinic, we are driven by our commitment to providing the highest quality eye-care in a compassionate and ethical environment. Our eye surgeons are specially trained to perform:
Why Choose Nawinna Medicare eye Clinic ?
Many of you are doing extensive research into eye surgeries before making your decision whether to have this exciting procedure. Equally important as to whether this is right for you, is which surgeon and eye center is best. This is a decision not to be taken lightly and there are many factors to be considered.
Most would agree that the most important concern is getting the safest and best surgery. After all, these are your only pair of eyes and replacements are not available. At Nawinna Medicare Hospital’s eye clinic patient outcomes speak for themselves. Our physicians rank well above the national average for post-surgical outcomes.
Additionally, we accept all major credit cards. Please ask how we can help you get the finest eye surgery in the area performed by our specialized surgeons.
Why We are Special ?
A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens of the eye. The lens is about the size and shape of an M&M candy and sits just behind the iris, the colored part of the eye. The lens is clear at birth, but with age it becomes clouded and the vision gets blurry (cataract). There are other reasons that the lens clouds such as injury, medications and metabolic diseases such as diabetes. During cataract surgery, the clouded natural lens (cataract) is broken up, removed and replaced with a very soft plastic, foldable intraocular lens
Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness . It is a disease of the optic nerve, the part of the eye responsible for carrying the images we see to the brain. The optic nerve is made up of huge numbers of nerve fibers. Glaucoma causes increased pressure within the eye, resulting in damage to these nerve fibers. Because the most common type of glaucoma does not present any noticeable symptoms until serious optic nerve damage has already occurred, early detection and treatment are the keys to preventing the loss of vision from glaucoma.
Physicians at The Eye Clinic specialize in the treatment of diseases and injuries to the cornea. The cornea is the clear front of the eye that transmits light to the interior of the eye, allowing us to see clearly. Corneal injury, disease or hereditary conditions can cause clouding, distortion and scarring. With its ability for quick repair, the cornea usually heals after most injury or disease. However, when there is deep injury to the cornea, the healing process may be prolonged, possibly resulting in a variety of symptoms, including pain, tearing, redness, blurred vision, light sensitivity, and scarring.
Clear vision plays a critical role in every aspect of your life. Fortunately today, there are vision correction options to bring life back into focus for nearly every vision problem. Whether your choice for clear vision is glasses, contact lenses or LASIK, The Nawinna Medicare Eye Clinic can help improve your point of view with the area's largest variety of vision correction options.